Aus Semantic CorA
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This site offers a collections of requests and questions to Semantic CorA.

Is Semantic CorA an Out-Of-The-Box-System?

Semantic CorA is not an Out-of-the-box-system like other desktop tools (Atlas.TI, NVivo, etc.). It is a webbased tool basing on MediaWiki, its extension Semantic MediaWiki and developed extension of Semantic CorA (see Semantic_CorA_for_Administrators). As wiki and semantic web technologies offer a broad flexibility, the developement could adress specific needs in concrete research contexts. The drawback of this is, if it is falling out of the research project use cases Semantic CorA needs some adjustments. So at this point of development the experiences and developments in the range of research data and research workflows are limited to these.

How can I use Semantic CorA?

A small description how you can use Semantic CorA is given at Semantic_CorA_for_Researchers.

Can Semantic CorA deal with other ressources than lexica like videos, transcripts of interviews ...?

We started with "educational lexica" as the research data in the environement. Thereby we reused the bibluographic data of the library system to offer deep descripted ressources. Our second use case is using school books which we are simalar in on the bibliographic level but needs further described entities like the schools where they are created. Now we are in the process to use as well transcripts of interviews, images or videos. So far we do not have a running system but are optimistic that this works as well.

Who is adjusting Semantic CorA to my needs

A common administrator with experiences in the installation and configuration of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki can establish basic functionalities and use cases in the virtual research environment. A source to find these is the list https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/semediawiki-devel. There you can find as well Semantic MediaWiki experienced developers, who can create new extensions to address specific needs. Further you can contact us to ask for help and further information.