Semantic Collaborative Corpora Analysis (Semantic CorA) is a lightweight virtual research environment (vre) providing a modular plattform of tools for collaborative analysis of big amounts of data. Semantic CorA builds upon the open-source software MediaWiki - which empowers Wikipedia – and its extension SemanticMediawiki (SMW). Tools are offered to integrate, enrich, store, query and visualize research data, which can be published in the Semantic Web and shared with other researchers. Semantic CorA is motivated by the lack of virtual research environment in the social sciences and (digital) humanities, that offer capacities for adjustment to relevant needs with low technical barriers. Semantic CorA is based on a participatory and agile approach following concrete research practices and addressing added values. While general technological extensions for SMW are developed, the design and innovation process is driven by scholarly research projects, that invoke concrete capacities for interaction in research practice (see: Our Use Case).
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Semantic CorA is developed by: